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  5. Creating circles that will be unbroken.
  • Creating circles that will be unbroken.

    3M Trifecta Design Light Gray
    Creating circles that will be unbroken.

    • 3M joins The Recycling Partnership to help support the many virtues of a circular economy.

      It’s all about giving new life instead of going to waste. Rather than dispatching what might seem to be unusable materials to a landfill, it’s about repurposing, reusing, and recycling those materials whenever possible. It’s about creating a circular economy where we minimize waste and maximize resources.

      But one of the keys to making the circular economy work is curbside recycling – and although it might feel like access to recycling is everywhere, in reality, only half of all U.S. households have access to it at home. As a result, only about half of all recyclable materials are captured.

      That reality inspired 3M, along with 30 other major U.S. brands, to become a supporting member of The Recycling Partnership, a national nonprofit organization that is working to bring curbside recycling to towns across America.

      Since 2015, The Recycling Partnership has leveraged more than $27 million in funding for new infrastructure; impacted 29 million households; and provided 400,000 curbside recycling carts in more than 500 communities.

      To put it another way, the efforts of The Recycling Partnership have saved 382 million gallons of water, reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 164,000 metric tons, and saved two trillion BTUs of energy per year, the amount consumed annually by 191,000 homes.

      With support from 3M and 30 other major U.S. brands, The Recycling Partnership is also partnering with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition on ASTRX, an initiative to build a stronger recycling industry through product and packaging design that reflect the ideals of the circular economy.